Short on cash? Need money? With the high cost of living and the unpredictable circumstances we cannot escape everyday, these loans are an amazing tool invented to get cash when you badly need it. But how do these loans really work?
Cash advance loans give the borrower the amount of money he needs. The borrower writes a check of the amount needed with the payday loan company's fixed interest fee, and the money he needs is given right then and there.
The interest fee of a payday loan is usually a percentage the amount borrowed. For every $50 or $100 loaned, there will be an interest fee of $15 to $30. So a personal check of $115 ($100 borrowed money and $15 fee) will be on hold for up to 14 days or until the next payday.
If you applied for a payday loan but were unable to repay the loan on the set schedule, you can ask for a roll-over or an extension on your loan. But there will be another fee for every extension.
You should know how much you owe the loan company. The Truth Lending Acting permits the cost of payday loans be disclosed. Have all the information such as financial change, annual percentage rate (APR), interest fee, and so on.
Like everything else acquired over credit, payday loans should be a last option.
Here are nine things to remember about payday loans:
1. Shop carefully - like comparing prices between two interesting items, the same goes in selecting a payday loan company. Choose the company with lower interest rates, APRs, and friendlier payment terms.
2. Know the terms - Find out and analyze their terms before availing of a payday loan company's services.
3. Compare APR and finance charge - Again the lower the rate, the easier for you to repay the amount borrowed.
4. Ask questions - Don't be afraid to ask questions to your creditors - after all, they're getting paid to be of service to you. Ask more time to pay your bills if you're not able to on the planned date.
5. Realistic budget - Be sure that the amount of cash you loan is within your savings budget for you to repay them on time.
6. Build savings - Hold other expenses and save money left over from your income so as not to go on loan again. Save money to repay the loan you borrowed with the interest fee.
7. Overdraft protection - This is essential to your credit account for it protects you from further credit problems. Find out if the company has this on your checking account.
8. Nonprofit groups - Check out nonprofit groups in your community for credit guidance.
9. Other sources - Find out with your employer, credit unions, or housing authority for no- or a low-cost credit counseling program to get you out of debt and help you with financial woes.
These types of loans are amazingly convenient, but be cautious and responsible in using them. Remember to only borrow what you can afford to pay after a couple of weeks. In the end, they are still cheaper than overdrafts from a bank, and you will have significant savings.