In short: Anyone! That's right, anyone can get a Payday Loan when they really need it. The only people who should not apply for a payday loan are those who are irresponsible with their finances or those who already have payday loans out with other lenders. For the most part anyone can get a short-term loan though; it's not hard by any means. You can go to a storefront lending location or for those of you would rather apply in the comfort of your own home you can apply for an online payday loan. The great thing about this, as I have said before, its quick, hassle free and you can do it in your underwear if you choose to.
Most of us, at one point in time or another will need some extra cash in a "cash crisis" and will generally have to resort to borrowing from friends and family or getting a short term loan. Basically all you need to acquire these short-term loans is an active bank account but even then sometimes you don't, proof of income and be over the age of 18. The online process saves you from waiting in line, dealing with the embarrassment that some people feel when getting a short-term loan. There is never anything to be ashamed of when you have an emergency hit.
So young and old alike can get a payday loan when they need it most, no one will be turned away even if you have a spotty credit history. Get $100 - $1500 within 24 hours and take care of those emergencies before they become an even bigger problem. Then I suggest that you take in to account what the finance charge is, put that and 20% of the balance off to the side, this should also be taken into consideration when applying for the loan, never get more than you need but get enough to be able to put some aside. This way when your next payday rolls around, if you are pressed for cash again, at least you can pay more than just the finance charges will save you in the long run. So when you, whoever you are, need a payday loan, look no further than an online payday loan.