Do you need cash and in a hurry? Do you know how to get cash in a hurry without robbing a bank, borrowing from a family member, or making it at home? The best way to get fast cash is through one hour payday loans. These are easy to get, require very little, and you will walk away with your cash within an hour.
The best way to find a lender that will provide a one hour payday loan is to get out your phone book and find a cash advance or payday loan store. Call them and see how much you can get and what you need to qualify. They usually base the amount you can borrow on your income and rarely do they check your credit.
Make sure to find out what you will need when you go in to the store to apply. Usually they require your most recent paycheck stub, a voided check from your account, a photo ID, and a current utility bill with your name and address on it. Sometime there are other things like a bank statement or phone bill, but these are the normal requirements.
They will verify your employer, bank, and references that you will provide, then give you your cash. It is that simple.
Once you have your one hour payday loan you can deal with your emergency and get to paying it back. You usually have up to 30 days to pay the loan back and it is always better to pay it back sooner rather than later. Either way make sure you pay it back on time because there are huge late fees and the interest will start to rack up if you don't.