Reputable Payday Loan Services
If you're on a tight budget, barely making ends meet from pay check to pay check in the current economy, then you may find yourself considering the services of a payday loan or cash advancement lender. Although there's a lot of payday loan and cash advance services readily available, it's important to first educate yourself before agreeing to sign any contracts.
An increasingly popular cash advance loan service, 100DayLoans.com, offers an extended repayment plan, unlike the two week repayment plan of most payday loans. Upon approval, the lender grants "100 Days of Freedom" to repay your loan over a period of 100 days. The payday loan service utilizes an automated system to search over 122 banks, financial institutes, and other lenders to offer the maximum loan amount possible at the lowest interest rate currently available. For the four out of five applicants approved, funds are often deposited within one hour into personal banking accounts. Applicants requesting more than $1,000 may be required to apply more than one time. Residents of Arizona, Georgia, Virginia and West Virginia are ineligible to apply, and repayment terms vary depending upon individual state laws.
USCashWire.com is another favorite payday lender due in large part to its quick and easy application and approval process. A low credit score doesn't automatically disqualify you from being approved. Applicants may apply using a secure and confidential online application with no required faxing of documentation. After successfully completing the process and speaking to an agent, funds are usually available within minutes. In order to qualify, you must: be a U.S. citizen over 18, employed or receive a regular monthly income of $800, and have a current checking account. Loan amounts and repayment terms vary on individual basis, and applicants are subject to adhere to specific state laws.
As a fully-licensed cash lender, CashNetUSA.com is a favorite among many searching for an alternative to credit card offers attached with high interest rates. In fact, over a million satisfied customers have been served, including those with less-than perfect credit scores, have been approved within five minutes and gained access to a maximum of $700 the following business day. CashNetUSA.com provides convenient 24/7 customer support via live online chat, e-mail or phone. Once approved, customers have instant access to personal online accounts to review pending and recent transactions. Usually, repayment is expected within one payday; however, terms and conditions vary and are also subject to individual state laws.
Cash Central
Cash Central provides short-term payday loans to approved customers with funds deposited into checking accounts within 24 hours. Customer service representatives are available to answer questions and help with the application process in the comfort and privacy of your home. Cash Central offers an automatic enrollment into a Premiere Membership once customers repay a fifth personal loan in full. Membership benefits include perks such as 15-10% savings off future loans, increased loan amounts, Premiere Member customer service and newsletters filled with tips and exclusive offers. Applicants in eligible states must be U.S. citizens, over 18, employed a minimum of three (3) months, earn $1,000 each month after taxes, and possess a valid home and work number and current checking account. As with the other payday lenders, APR, fees, and other conditions vary upon specific state laws.